Legal notice
Browsing on this website is subject to the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and to the terms and conditions set out hereinafter. By continuing to browse on the website, you demonstrate your acceptance of these contractual terms and conditions.
AR SERVICES S.A., with registered offices at 8-10, rue Mathias Hardt, L-1717 Luxembourg, listed in the company register of Luxembourg under number B 204458 is member of the Ordre des Experts-Comptables. The website of AR SERVICES S.A. (hereinafter « the Site ») is defined exclusively as the following address :
The information disseminated on the Site, whether general or specific, is provided on a purely indicative basis. No guarantee is given as to whether the information published is complete, accurate or current. The information does not constitute in any manner whatsoever a solicitation to buy or sell. It has no value as legal, accounting or fiscal advice and is only valid at the time when it is given. It not intended as a substitute for the knowledge and competence of the user and should be used in conjunction with advice from a qualified professional. The information and its publication are subject to the laws of Luxembourg. The information may be supplied by outside providers. Except in the case of willful misrepresentation or serious misconduct, AR SERVICES S.A. cannot be held responsible to users of the information, or for direct or indirect consequences of its use.
The website of AR SERVICES S.A. may contain links to third party sites that are not under its control. Certain links are offered for convenience only and the inclusion of a link in no way implies that AR SERVICES S.A. agrees with the contents of the linked site. AR SERVICES S.A. is not liable for the contents, services, products or material offered at a website linked to the Site of AR SERVICES S.A.. No link may be established with the Site without AR SERVICES S.A.’s prior consent. Links to the Site using techniques such as framing and/or deep linking are not permitted. AR SERVICES S.A. is under no circumstances responsible for links made to its Site.
The Site and any part thereof, including the information contained therein, is protected by intellectual property rights, including copyrights, trademark rights and database rights. These rights reside and remain with AR SERVICES S.A.. AR SERVICES S.A. is the owner of the brand names, logos elements featuring the Site. Any translation, adaptation, partial or full reproduction, using any procedure in any country without AR SERVICES S.A.’s prior consent is prohibited.
The user accepts responsibility for any access to the Site or any use made therefore. AR SERVICES S.A. will not be liable for direct or indirect losses that may arise out of the use of the Site and in connection with the interruption, stoppage or malfunctioning of the Site especially as may arise out of stoppages for maintenance purposes or in order to update AR SERVICES S.A.’s IT systems, technical breakdowns or network overloads, cuts in telephone communications, errors, negligence or fault on the part of Internet service suppliers or third parties or due to a virus spread on the Internet.
The Site is subject to the laws of Luxembourg. The Site is not intended for persons under jurisdictions where (for reasons of nationality, place of residence or for any other reason) the dissemination or access to such information is prohibited. If users are not Luxembourg residents, it is their sole and entire responsibility to verify in advance that the regulations applicable to them authorize them to make use of the information published on the Site.
The governing law is the law of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. This Disclaimer is governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Any disputes shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent court in Luxembourg.
The only authentic version of the Site is the French language version. If there is a discrepancy with the versions in another language, the French version is the legally binding authority.
Access to the pages on the Site is subject to prior communication of relevant personal details. AR SERVICES S.A. stores on electronic storage media or in any other form only such data as are necessary for the execution of its services.
Business secrecy prohibits AR SERVICES S.A. from acting as intermediary for the gathering and forwarding of such information to third parties except on the formal instructions of its clients or where it is under a legal obligation to pass on or collect such information.
The client has the right to see the information concerning him or her and the right to amend the details, provided that he or she can provide proof of identity in accordance with the legislation governing the protection of personal data.
Refusal to provide such personal data to AR SERVICES S.A. and prohibiting the processing of such data, although permitted under the regulations, could result in it being impossible to enter into business relations or to continue existing relations.
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